
The Mental Locker 6-Week Program


Learn How To:

  • Gain Tools to Get Clarity on Your Vision
  • Redefine Your Relationship With Practice no matter the arena.
  • Get Away From The ‘Cookie-Cutter, One Size Fits All’ Approach to Mental Performance
  • Gain Clarity on THE WORK necessary to CLOSE THE GAP from where you are to where you want to go.
  • Create a Specific Plan for Greatness however you chose to define it.
  • and So Much More…

How Is The Mental Locker Program Different?

  • This program was designed to create a personal experience to Mental Performance.
  • Instant access to ALL 6 weeks instantly, and can be accessed year round.
  • 3 videos for each topic explaining every detail of the information covered that  can be accessed 24/7.
  • Audio version for on-the-go access via mobile devices.
  • Download PDFs with specific questions so you have clarity on each topic.
  • 25 years of experience as a player & coach by your side to guide you.


The Mental Locker 6-Week Program Includes:

  • 6-Module Online Training — Goals, Perception, Controlling the Controllables, Routine, The Breath, and Relaxation and Visualization
  • Videos, Audios, and PDFs that can be accessed 24/7 from your computer or mobile device.
  • Access to Tim Dixon via email to answer questions and provide clarity on specifics that may come up.